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Changing the Password on your Airport Router


It’s good practice to change your Wi-Fi password from time to time, especially if you have ex-staff members who have knowledge of the password or you suspect may have gained knowledge of the password.

1. Launch Airport Utility.

2. Tap the AirPort icon.

3. If you are prompted for a password, enter the current password (that is, the same password you use when you try to connect iPads and other devices to this Airport).

4. Tap Edit.

5. Tap Base Station. However, before you tap Base Station, just double check you do not have a guest network enabled. Guest Network should report Off. It’s very important that the hardware devices running TouchBistro do not compete for Wi-Fi resources with any other device.

6. In the Password field, enter the new password. In the Verify field, enter it again. If you get green checkmarks in both fields the passwords match. Tap Done.

Note: It’s very important to write down this new password and keep it in a secure, safe place in case you forget the new password.

7. You’re prompted to update. Agree. Airport Utility will report it is updating your router. This could take a few minutes to complete.

8. After updating the password, your iPads will prompt you to enter the new password next time they try to log into your router.

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