Support & Training

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TouchBistro is committed to responding to all support inquires. ​ For reporting inquiries or critical issues, please use the below form or email us at [email protected].

Email Support

If you're in North America, you can reach us by phone at 888-342-0131. If you're in the UK, you can reach us by phone at 0800 051 3311 (Outside of North America +1-416-363-5252, Option 2). If you are experiencing a longer than normal wait time, please use the form above or email us at [email protected] and a representative will contact you.

stevie customer service16 st side

Support Department of the Year!



Chapter 1. Introduction

Freepour provides fast, accurate, timely, brand by brand consumption data and on-hand inventory levels for comparison to sales data in order to uncover shrinkage such as unrecorded sales and over-pouring. Provides valuable historical data and makes stocktaking more efficient and uses less resources, saving labor cost. Interfaced to Touch Bistro, invisible to guests, patented, portable, and cloud based.

Chapter 2. TouchBistro Inventory

If you’ve created recipes and ingredients in TouchBistro’s inventory system, TouchBistro does not export this data to this integration.

Chapter 3. Enabling in TouchBistro

1.  Login to your TouchBistro cloud portal.

touchbistro screen capture

2. Click App Marketplace.

touchbistro screen capture

3.  Locate your Freepour “chicklet” and click Set Up.

4.  Select Enabled. Copy your Restaurant ID. You will need to enter this into your Freepour integration. Please consult with your Freepour onboarding representative for the location to enter it. Click Save.

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