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Labor Reports


Chapter 1. Break Details

Break Details will show you a list of all breaks taken for the time range and which staff member took the break.

Chapter 2. Hourly Labor Cost

The Hourly Labor Cost report shows total gross sales for each hour over the given time range, your total labor costs (BOH and FOH) for each hour over the given time range, as well as the labor cost expressed as a percentage of gross sales. The report will only show hours that have labor and/or sales. So if you’re closed from 2 am to 11 am, you won’t see those hours in the table.

The bar chart at the top will total up labor costs for each hour of the reporting range. The bar chart arranges hours from the most costly to least costly.

The Hourly Labor Cost table can be sorted by:




An hour block of your configured service time.

Gross Sales

Your total sales (for the given date range) for that hour before discounts and taxes.

Labor Cost

The wages paid for all staff types (BOH/FOH) for that hour block. This is calculated based on the clock in/clock out times of all staff members and their set rate of pay plus over time (if configured).

Labor Cost %

The hour block’s labor cost expressed as a percentage of gross sales (before discounts/before tax).

Chapter 3. Hours Summary

The Hours Summary report gives you a summary of shifts, hours, and gross pay of each staff member over the given reporting range. The Hours Summary bar graph gives you a visual representation of labor costs per staff type. You can download this report as a CSV by clicking the CSV icon at the top of the report chart.

The Hours Summary table gives you time data about the shifts. You can sort by:




The server name from the staff profile.

Staff Type

The staff type the staff member selected when he/she clocked in with his/her passcode.

# of Shifts

The number of shifts the staff member worked for the selected range.

Total Hours (in decimals)

The number of hours plus the minutes/seconds expressed as a decimal of a full hour. For display purposes, this will be rounded to the second decimal place.

Total Pay

The wages paid given the duration and the rate of pay plus overtime (if configured).

Chapter 4. Labor Cost Analysis

The Labor Cost Analysis report will break out labor costs for the reporting period by Front of the House/Back of the House setting.

The Labor Cost Analysis table can be sorted by:



Labor Category

FOH indicates “front of the house”. BOH indicates “back of the house”. Front of the house and back of the house staff are differentiated on the Staff Type page. By default a staff type is treated as front of the house unless the General Permission Is Back of House is enabled.

Staff Type

A configured staff type.

Labor Hours

The total number of hours and minutes (expressed as a decimal) worked by all staff members who clocked in/out as that staff type.

Labor Cost

The wages paid per staff type. This is calculated based on the clock in/clock out times of all staff members for that staff type and their set rate of pay plus over time (if configured).

Labor Cost %

The staff type’s labor cost expressed as a percentage of gross sales (before discounts/before tax).

Avg. Wage Rate

Average hourly wage for all staff members who clocked in under that staff type.

Chapter 5. Shift Details

The Shifts report gives you information on the number of shifts registered per day over the given reporting range. Shifts are measured by clock-in/clock-outs by staff members on TouchBistro. The Shifts bar graph gives you a visual representation of the number of clock-in/clock-outs per day. You can download this report as a CSV by clicking the CSV icon at the top of the report chart.

Note: Labor cost figures on this report do not calculate overtime. See the Overtime reports below for labor reporting that involves overtime calculations. As well, see the Settings section in this guide for information on how to create overtime rules.

The Shifts table gives you time data about the shifts. You can sort by:




The server name from the staff profile.

Staff Type

The staff type the staff member selected when he/she clocked in with his/her passcode.


The time when the staff member clocked in with his/her passcode. The exact second the staff member clocked in is not displayed.


The time when the staff member clocked out with his/her passcode. The exact second the staff member clocked in is not displayed.


The number of hours plus the minutes/seconds expressed as a decimal of a full hour. For display purposes, this will be rounded to the second decimal place.

Hourly Rate

The hourly wage paid.


The wages paid given the duration and the rate of pay. As noted the Duration figure in the report is rounded to the second decimal place. Labor Cost will be calculated via the un-rounded duration that’s not visible to the user. Labor Cost, hence, may be slightly different from doing a simple calculation that multiplies the displayed Duration and the Hourly Rate.

In the above example, we easily see 11.42 x $10 should come to $114.20. However, in reality, the actual duration is 11.424. The Duration field rounds to the second decimal place. Hourly Rate, however, uses the un-rounded duration (that is 11.424) to calculate the actual labor cost.

Chapter 6. Timesheet Details

The Timesheet Details report gives you hour and overtime information on each shift logged for the given reporting range.

You can sort by:



Staff Name

The staff name from the staff profile.

Staff Type

The Staff Type the employee signed in as for the shift.


The date upon which the shift occurred.


The time when the staff member clocked in with his/her passcode. The exact second the staff member clocked in is not displayed.


The time when the staff member clocked out with his/her passcode. The exact second the staff member clocked in is not displayed.

Shift Length (hrs)

The number of hours plus the minutes/seconds expressed as a decimal of a full hour. Values are rounded to the second decimal place.

Reg. Rate of Pay

The normal hourly wage earned by the employee.

Total (Reg. Hrs)

The number of hours in the shift that qualify for the regular hourly wage.

Unpaid Break (Reg. Hrs)

Break hours for which no wages are remitted.

Payable(Reg. Hrs)

The number of hours in the shift that will be paid out at the regular hourly wage. This represents the Total (Reg. Hrs) figure less Unpaid Breaks.

Total(OT1 Hrs)

The number of hours in the shift that qualify for the Shift 1 overtime rate (if Shift 1 overtime rule was set up).

Unpaid Break(OT1 Hrs)

Unpaid break hours taken during OT1 hours.

Payable(OT1 Hrs)

Total payable OT1 hours worked, minus any unpaid breaks.

Total(OT2 Hrs)

The number of hours worked that were calculated at a second overtime wage (if a rule was set up).

Unpaid Break(OT2 Hrs)

Break hours taken in excess of scheduled OT2 hours (late back from OT2 break, for example).

Payable(OT2 Hrs)

Total payable OT2 hours worked, minus any unpaid breaks.

Payout Period (OT Hours)

If you are required to pay overtime if hours exceed a certain maximum in a week (for example any hour worked over 40 hours in a week is paid at time and a half),  this column will show the number of the shift’s hours that fell under the overtime rate.

Reg. Pay

Regular hours worked times the regular hourly wage.

OT1 Pay

Overtime hours worked times the first overtime wage set.

OT2 Pay

Overtime hours worked times the second overtime wage set.

Payout Period OT Pay

If you are required to pay overtime if hours exceed a certain maximum in a week (for example any hour worked over 40 hours in a week is paid at time and a half),  this column will show the overtime amount paid for the shift.

Spread of Hours

New York State law stipulates that nonexempt restaurant workers who work more than 10 hours per day are owed an extra hour of pay known as the Spread of Hour rate.

The split shift guidelines in that jurisdiction state that “an employee shall receive one hour’s pay at the basic minimum hourly wage rate, in addition to the minimum wage for any day in which the ‘spread of hours’ exceeds 10 hours or there is a ‘split shift’.”

Spread of Hours Pay

The amount of pay remitted to the employee as per New York State Spread of Hours law.

Gross Pay

Gross Pay Total of Regular Hours x Regular Rate plus Payout Period Overtime Hours x Payout Period Overtime Rate.

Chapter 7. Timesheet Summary

The Timesheet Summary is similar to Timesheet Details but rolls up shifts worked for each staff member. Staff members may appear more than once if they worked during the reporting range using more than one staff type or their rate of pay changed.

You can sort by:



Staff Name

The server name from the staff profile.


The number of shifts the staff member worked for the selected range.

Staff Type

The staff type the employee clocked in as.

Reg. Rate of Pay

The number of hours and minutes (expressed as a decimal) calculated using the normal hourly wage.

Total(Reg. Hrs)

The number of hours and minutes (expressed as a decimal) calculated using the normal hourly wage.

Unpaid Break(Reg. Hrs)

Break hours for which no wages are remitted.

Payable(Reg. Hrs)

Break hours for which wages are remitted.

Total(OT1 Hrs)

The number of hours worked that were calculated at a first overtime wage (if a rule was set up).

Unpaid Break(OT1 Hrs)

Break hours taken in excess of scheduled OT1 hours (late back from OT1 break, for example).

Payable(OT1 Hrs)

Total payable OT1 hours worked, minus any unpaid breaks.

Total(OT2 Hrs)

The number of hours worked that were calculated at a second overtime wage (if a rule was set up).

Unpaid Break(OT2 Hrs)

Break hours taken in excess of scheduled OT2 hours (late back from OT2 break, for example).

Payable(OT2 Hrs)

Total payable OT2 hours worked, minus any unpaid breaks.

Payout Period (OT Hours)

If you are required to pay overtime if hours exceed a certain maximum in a week (for example any hour worked over 40 hours in a week is paid at time and a half),  this column will show all shift hours that fell under the overtime rate.

Reg. Pay

Regular hours worked times the regular hourly wage.

OT1 Pay

Overtime hours worked times the first overtime wage set.

OT2 Pay

Overtime hours worked times the second overtime wage set.

Payout Period OT Pay

If you are required to pay overtime if hours exceed a certain maximum in a week (for example any hour worked over 40 hours in a week is paid at time and a half),  this column will show the overtime amount paid for the shifts.

Spread of Hours

New York State law stipulates that nonexempt restaurant workers who work more than 10 hours per day are owed an extra hour of pay known as the Spread of Hour rate.

The split shift guidelines in that jurisdiction state that “an employee shall receive one hour’s pay at the basic minimum hourly wage rate, in addition to the minimum wage for any day in which the ‘spread of hours’ exceeds 10 hours or there is a ‘split shift’.”

Spread of Hours Pay

The amount of pay remitted to the employee as per New York State Spread of Hours law.

Gross Pay

Gross Pay Total of Regular Hours x Regular Rate plus Payout Period Overtime Hours x Payout Period Overtime Rate.

See this guide for a greater discussion on how to use TouchBistro to report hours and pay.

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