Promotional Pricing
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Promotional Pricing option allows you to set up reduced prices on menu items automatically based on time of day settings. For example, you might want to offer appetizers at a 50% discount during a “happy hour” period.
Instead of having to manually adjust the prices via the Menu Items screen simply tap Promotional Pricing.
1. Tap the Add + icon on the top right.
2. Give the promotion a name (e.g., Happy Hour Appetizers).
3. Tap Price Adjust. (We’ll deal how to Hide items below.)
4. Tap Fixed Price if you wish every promotional item to charge the fixed price amount. For example, every sushi item is $1.00 for the duration of the promotional period.
5. Tap Discount if you want to automatically reduce the price of an item by a percentage (e.g., “20% off appetizers”) or by a uniform dollar amount (e.g., “$2 off every burger”). If a fixed discount reduces a price below zero, TouchBistro will bill the item for zero dollars.
6. Tap Schedule to set up the promotion’s time window.
7. Tap which days the promotion is available. For example, if you want the promotion available only Monday to Thursday, tap each day.
8. Tap Start Time to set when TouchBistro should automatically apply the discount. Use the time spinner to set then the promotion begins.
9. Tap End Time to set when TouchBistro reapplies normal pricing.
Note: when a promotion fires at the set Start Time, TouchBistro only looks at how long the promotion should be available (End Time – Start Time). It does not check the End Time against the calendar day. Imagine you have a Monday – Thursday Drink Special that runs 11 pm until 2 am (closing time). It’s not available Friday night. When the promotion fires 11 pm Thursday night, TouchBistro will make the promotion available for the next 3 hours. Even though the clock technically ticks over to 12:01 am Friday. In short, promotions that continue past midnight will be available past midnight if set to terminate past midnight.
10. Tap Back.
11. Tap Choose Items.
12. Use the Category bar to locate the items you want to discount. Then tap each item under the category you want the promotion to apply to. Ensure there’s a checkmark next to the item.
13. Tap Done when you’ve selected all items.
14. Tap Done to save the promotion settings.
15. Tap Menu to return to the Menu Items Settings screen.
Chapter 2. Hiding Menu Items During Time Periods
You can use the Hide Item slider hide menu items during scheduled time periods. For example, suppose your business is in a jurisdiction where you cannot offer alcohol sales on Sundays before noon (known as “blue laws” in some areas) or maybe you want to hide breakfast items after a certain time.
To hide menu items based on a day/time schedule:
1. Setup a promotion as above (name/schedule).
2. Ensure Hide Item is enabled.
3. Set up the time you want to hide your items by tapping Schedule. For example, you want to hide breakfast items Sun-Sat 11 am to 11:59 pm (end of day).
4. Tap Choose Items to select which items should be hidden.
5. Use the Category bar to locate the items you want to hide. Then tap each item under the category you want the hide condition to apply to. Ensure there’s a checkmark next to the item.
6. Tap Done when you’ve selected all items.
7. Tap Done again to return the list of your current promotions.
Note: TouchBistro does not display menu categories in the menu if there are zero items available in the category. Hence, if you hide all items in a category (e.g., a Breakfast category), TouchBistro will not display that category while the promotion is in effect.