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Chapter 1. iPad Reporting

Section 1. End of Day

Online orders get broken out in the End of Day report’s Payment and Refund Totals section.

Section 2. Takeout Reports

Two other reports also break down online ordering.

The Takeout Type Report (Admin | Reports | Sales) will show you explicit online ordering services and individual sales totals.

As well the Detailed Takeout Report (Admin | Reports | Sales) gives you an aggregate and bills closed that were online orders.

Chapter 2. Cloud Reporting

Section 1. Introduction

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

If you are using TouchBistro’s cloud portal and enabled for online ordering, you will have additional online ordering reports.

Section 2. Order Cancellation Details

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

The Order Cancellation Details report gives you a list of all orders that were canceled and the reason.



Order Reference

All online orders come with a reference code generated by the third party online ordering service.


The date/time the order was canceled.

Online Order Provider

The third-party online ordering service associated with the canceled order.

Order Cancellation Code

The cancel code supplied by the third party online ordering service.

Section 3. Order Fulfillment Status

A screenshot of a social media post Description automatically generated

The Order Fulfillment Status report gives you a breakdown of orders and their ultimate fulfillment status.



Order Fulfillment Status

The number of orders that were fulfilled completely plus orders that were not fulfilled due to cancellations and declines.

Order Count

The number of orders for a particular fulfillment status.

% of Orders Requested

A percentage representation of fulfillment statuses.

Section 4. Sales by Online Order Provider

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

The Sales by Online Order Provider report gives you a breakdown of sales by provider and commissions paid to the online ordering system.



Online Order Provider

The third-party online ordering system.

Bill Count

The number of orders that came in from the online ordering system.

Gross Sales

The total sales from the online ordering system before discounts but before tax.


The total of any discounts applied to orders.

Net Sales

The total sales from the online ordering system after discounts but before tax.


The total tax collected by online ordering system.

Tips to Venue

If the online ordering system collected a tip for the venue (as opposed to the driver), this is the total of tips collected.

Provider Commission

The total commission paid to the online ordering system.

Total Payment

Total of net sales, taxes, and tips collected from the online ordering system.


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