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Reservations iPad App – Manage Blocked Periods


Chapter 1. Blocking All Tables

If you need to, on the fly, turn off Internet and/or Internal bookings, you can use the Manage blocked periods option. To do this:

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

1. First use the Calendar tool to select the date for your blocked period.

2. Then select your timeslot by tapping the AM/PM timeslot control. Toggle it to the timeslot you desire for the blocked period. For example, if you want to set a blocked period for Monday Feb 17’s PM timeslot but the timeslot is in AM mode, tap AM toggle it to PM.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

3. Tap the Menu option and then tap Manage Blocked Periods.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

4. To disable the ability to take a reservation, slide the time segment to the off setting. Tap Done.

5. Time segments that are locked internally will reflect on the Timetable.

Your blocked time segments will only be active for that day and timeslot. For example, if you set blocked time segments for Monday Feb 17’s AM timeslot, they will not carry over to Monday Feb 17’s PM timeslot. Likewise, they will not carry over to Tuesday’s AM timeslot.

Chapter 2. Blocking Individual Tables

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

You can block an individual table by tapping on the table and tapping Block Table.

A close up of a device Description automatically generated

The table will get marked with a lock icon and will be unavailable for booking for the rest of the Timeslot. This will not affect parties with prior reservations.


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