Setting Up the Worldpay iPP350
Table Of Contents
Section 1. Unsupported Regions
Chapter 2. Setting Up the Hardware
Chapter 3. Disable Private Address for Your Wi-Fi Connection
Chapter 4. Reserve Your iPP350’s IP Address on your AirPort Extreme Router
Chapter 5. Reserve Your iPP350’s IP Address on your Ubiquiti AmpliFi Router
Chapter 6. Powering Your iPP350 Off/On
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Worldpay iPP350 is a LAN-based PINpad card reader. It’s ideally used on a counter top.
Section 1. Unsupported Regions
Integration is not available in U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Nothern Mariana Islands.
Chapter 2. Setting Up the Hardware
Section 1. Connecting
First snap the y-splitter’s data cable into the back of your iPP350.
1. Plug the power single male power jack into the y-splitter’s female power port.
2. Plug the power plug into a wall socket or power strip. For safety reasons, you may want to plug the power plug into a live wall socket or power bar as the last step.
3. The Ethernet jack will go into either your supported router or your switch. See below. This cable is fixed to the y-splitter and cannot be removed.
4. The fixed data cable that gets plugged into the back of your iPP350. This cable is fixed to the y-splitter and cannot be removed.
You now have two options for connecting the iPP350 to the Internet. If you have a free Ethernet LAN port on your supported router use the “To Your Router” section. If all your Airport LAN ports are filled, you will need to plug it into a switch. See the “To a Switch” section.
Section 2. To Your Router
1. Plug the y-splitter’s Ethernet jack into a free Ethernet LAN port on the back of your supported router .
2. Ensure your Internet modem is plugged into your supported router‘s WAN port.
Section 3. To a Switch
1. Plug the y-splitter’s Ethernet jack into any free port on the back of your switch.
2. Ensure your Internet modem in plugged into your router’s WAN port.
3. Plug a CAT5 Ethernet cable into any free Ethernet LAN port on the back of your router and then plug the other end into any free port on the back of your switch.
Chapter 3. Disable Private Address for Your Wi-Fi Connection
If your iPad (or iPads) are updated to iPad OS 14, do the following:
1. Tap your Settings icon.
2. Tap Wi-Fi and then tap the Information icon next to your connected network.
3. If Private Network is enabled, disable it.
Chapter 4. Reserve Your iPP350’s IP Address on your AirPort Extreme Router
If you are using a Ubiquiti AmpliFi router, and NOT using an Apple AirPort Extreme router, skip ahead to Reserve Your iPP350’s IP Address on your Ubiquiti AmpliFi Router.
By default your router will randomly assign any available IP address to your iPP350 and will change these IP addresses from time to time. Hence, you need to set your router to always assign your iPP350 a static, never changing IP address. To do this:
1. At the bottom, near the battery compartment, locate the MAC address. Write it down. Make sure you copy the letter case correctly.
2. On one of your iPads, tap the Settings icon.
3. Make sure your iPad is also connected to your TouchBistro network. If not, set it for the correct TouchBistro network.
4. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen, or tap your iPad’s Home button. Locate and tap Airport Utility.
5. Tap on your router image. You may be prompted for a password. If so enter it and tap Edit.
6. Tap Advanced.
7. Tap DHCP and NAT.
8. Tap Reservations.
9. Tap New Reservations. However, before you tap New Reservations, if there are other devices reserved, note which IP addresses have been reserved.
10. In the Description field enter a name for this device like ipp350 counter.
11. In the MAC Address field enter the MAC address of the iPP350 you copied from the back of the device. Remember it is case sensitive.
12. In the IPv4 Address field, enter a unique IP address to reserve for this device. If you had other device reservations, do not duplicate one of those IP addresses. Also remember TouchBistro printers reserve So, avoid that range. By convention the KDS and CFD iPads reserve the block. As well, if you use the Pro Server, TouchBistro reserves So reserve, say, Increase this by one (e.g., if you need to reserve an IP for another payment device, like another iPP350.
13. Tap Done when you have completed these fields. Repeat tapping Done until you’re prompted to update the settings. Tap Update.
14. It will take a few minutes for the router to update. You will lose Internet access briefly. Wait until the yellow indicator under the pictured Airport changes to green.
Chapter 5. Reserve Your iPP350’s IP Address on your Ubiquiti AmpliFi Router
By default your router will randomly assign any available IP address to your iPP350 and will change these IP addresses from time to time. Hence, you need to set your router to always assign your iPP350 a static, never changing IP address. To do this:
1. At the bottom, near the battery compartment, locate the MAC address. Write it down. Make sure you copy the letter case correctly.
2. On your iPad, tap the AmpliFi app.
3. Tap on the picture of the AmpliFi Router in the middle of the screen.
4. Scroll down to the Advanced section, and tap DHCP Server.
5. Tap Static Leases.
6. Tap the plus sign + in the top right-hand corner to add a new reservation.
7. Complete the following three fields:
- Name – Create a unique name for this device.
- The MAC Address for the IPP350.
- The desired IP Address you wish to reserve for the device.
8. Tap the checkmark in the top right-hand corner, and press Proceed when the Attention dialog box appears.
Your device now has a reserved IP in your AmpliFi router.
Chapter 6. Powering Your iPP350 Off/On
Sometimes you may be asked to turn your iPP350 off and then on. This is called “power cycling”.
To power cycle your device, press down the yellow CORR key and while holding down the CORR key, press the Punctuation key and hold down both together.
Chapter 7. Setting Up the iPP350 in TouchBistro
1. Log in as an admin and tap Admin | Admin Settings | Payment Gateways.
2. Tap Worldpay triPOS to enable it and tap Setup.
3. Complete the ID and Account Token fields. Refer to your Worldpay welcome letter for these codes.
4. Tap Manage Terminals.
5. Tap the Add button.
6. In the Name field give this a descriptive name. For example, if you have multiple iPP350s, call your device something like Counter to help indicate its physical location. If you are using this iPP350 with TouchBistro Kiosk, then it might be prudent to name it Kiosk, or Kiosk 1, or Kiosk 2, etc. so that it can more easily be paired with the appropriate Kiosk iPad later.
7. Your Worldpay welcome letter will have the Terminal ID to enter. If not enter 001. Use 001 for all terminals.
8. Tap Device Type and select iPP350 Terminal.
9. In the IP Address field, enter the IP you reserved. For example, enter
10. In the Port field enter 12000 or the iPP350’s current port setting. If you are using the iPP350 with TouchBistro Kiosk, you will need to change the port setting for each iPP350. For example, if you’re using 3 iPP350s with 3 different kiosks, change one device to port 12001, another device to port 12002, the last device to port 12003.
11. If this is the first iPP350 you’re setting up, leave Lane set for 1. Increment this by 1 for each follow-on device you set up.
12. Tap Done when you’re done.
13. Tap your terminal’s name (for example Counter) to checkmark it. This selects it as the terminal the iPad will connect to. This is a local setting by iPad. If you have more than one iPP350, you can select the specific iPP350 that iPad will use. For example, the iPad at your counter you would set Counter as the default. If you had an iPad at your bar and a iPP350 at your bar, the iPad at your bar should be set to to the Bar ipp350 as the default. You cannot switch to alternative ipp350s at checkout time, however.
14. Tap Done.
Chapter 8. Enabling Tips
1. On the Payment Gateways screen, tap the Option link associated with Worldpay triPOS.
2. If you would like the iPP350 to prompt only for a user-entered dollar amount tip, enable just Enable Tipping on Terminal. If you would like the iPP350 to prompt for dollar amounts using your Bill / Guest check’s Tip Guide dollar amounts, enable Show Tip Guide on Terminal.
3. Tap Done to save your settings.
4. If you’ve not set up your tip guide on your guest check or you would like to change/review the percentage suggestions, tap Bill & Chit and then Bills / Guest Checks.
5. Review your percentage suggestions and edit them as necessary.
6. The iPP350 will suggest all tips post-tax, so to ensure your printed guest check and the on-screen tip suggestion match, tap Tip Guide and select Post-Tax.
7. Tap Done when you’ve completed your changes.
Chapter 9. Changing the Default Port Number
If you’re not using the iPP350 with Kiosk, you won’t have to change the port number on your device. You can use the default 12000. If you’re using Kiosk you will likely have two or more iPP350s. You need to change the port numbers of additional iPP350s for use with the Kiosk. For example, if you have on iPP350 at your counter, one at Kiosk 1, and one at Kiosk 2, you might keep the iPP350 at the counter as the default port 12000. However the iPP350 at Kiosk 1 you will need to change the port number to 12001 and the iPP350 at Kiosk 2 to port number 12002.
1. To power cycle your device, press down the yellow CORR key and while holding down the CORR key, press the Punctuation key and hold down both together.
Note: The video above will show you how to power cycle and access the Function menu.
2. After power cycling, the iPP350 will cycle through a number of blue screens.
3. When you reach the Retail Base screen, use the PINpad keyboard to quickly enter 2–6–3–4 and then press the green Enter button. You will notice the Retail Base screen, at the bottom, displays the port number.
4. Press the F key on the PINpad keyboard.
5. Press the F2 button to scroll down to TDA and press the green Enter button to select.
6. Press 0 on the PINpad keyboard to select Configuration.
7. Press 0 on the PINpad keyboard to select Communication.
8. Press 2 on the PINpad keyboard to select Ethernet Settings.
9. Use the F2 key to scroll down to IP Port. Press 9 on the PINpad keyboard to select IP Port.
10. On the PINpad keyboard enter the new port number (for example 12001) and press the green Enter button.
11. Press the red Cancel button 4 times until you reach the Save and Reboot screen. Press 1 to select Yes.
12. When you reboot wait until you see the Retail Base screen and double check you set the port correctly.