Setting Up an iPP320 version 11 PINpad to accept Moneris Gift Cards
Chapter 1. Introduction
After setting up your PIN pads, you can now configure them to process Moneris gift cards.
This guide will walk you through setting up gift cards for version 11 iPP320.
Chapter 2. Setting Up TouchBistro
1. On the Payment Terminals screen, tap the Information icon associated with a terminal you wish to accept and process Moneris gift cards.
2. Enable Enable Gift Cards.
3. In the Gift Card ECR field, enter your terminal’s Gift Card ECR from your Moneris Welcome letter.
4. Tap Initialize Terminal for Gift Cards.
5. If Moneris has issued you a custom gift card range, repeat this process to add your custom range.yy
6. Tap Save.
7. Repeat this for any additional terminal you wish to process Moneris gift cards.