Support & Training

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TouchBistro is committed to responding to all support inquires. ​ For reporting inquiries or critical issues, please use the below form or email us at [email protected].

Email Support

If you're in North America, you can reach us by phone at 888-342-0131. If you're in the UK, you can reach us by phone at 0800 051 3311 (Outside of North America +1-416-363-5252, Option 2). If you are experiencing a longer than normal wait time, please use the form above or email us at [email protected] and a representative will contact you.

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Support Department of the Year!

How to Update your TouchBistro License


Chapter 1. Refreshing Your License on Your iPad (Integrated Pro Server)

Some integrations require you to refresh your license. Other times if support makes changes to your license you will be required to refresh your license. To do this:

1. Log in as Admin.

2. Tap Admin | Admin Settings in the top right-hand corner.

3. Tap Restaurant Information.

4. Tap Refresh License.

5. Tap OK.

Chapter 2. Pro Version on Mac

If you are a Pro User, restart Pro Server on your Mac computer and re-log in.

1. Click TouchBistro Pro Server from the menu bar.

2. Click Login and enter your username and password.

3. Pro Server will sync updated license to all your iPads.

4. Close down the Pro Server application on your computer and relaunch it. The new expiry date will be properly updated.