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What’s New in TouchBistro 8.5?


Chapter 1. Updating Your Restaurant Data to 8.5

You may notice TouchBistro takes a bit longer than usual to update to the latest version. When you update, TouchBistro updates your restaurant database to the new version’s format. Usually between versions there are not many changes to the database. However, version 8.5 has made a number of changes to how your TouchBistro app stores your restaurant data.

It’s important you don’t shut down your iPad while this updating is taking place. You may corrupt your data if you shut down your iPad during an update.

Chapter 2. TouchBistro Digital Menu Board

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TouchBistro’s new Digital Menu Board app is now available for users of the Apple TV 4K model. You can use an Apple TV 4K and Digital Menu Board app to project a TouchBistro menu to an HDMI-ready TV or Monitor (48″ or larger recommended).

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You can find the TouchBistro Digital Menu Board app in your Apple TV’s app store (not your iPad’s app store).

The Digital Menu Board is a separate app from your TouchBistro POS app. If you would like to know more about adding TouchBistro Digital Menu Board, please contact your TouchBistro sale representative or email [email protected].

Note: You will also need a Mac computer running Pro Server to use TouchBistro Digital Menu Board. The Touchbistro Digital Menu Board app may be compatible with older Apple TV models (e.g., 4th generation or 3rd generation) but we do not recommend purposely sourcing older hardware.

Chapter 3. Food and Alcohol Cost iPad Reports Have Been Removed

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In version 8.3 we added a Cost of Goods Sold Report under the Menu category. The Cost of Goods Sold Report consolidates all cost reports (Food, Alcohol, and custom Sales Categories). Because the Food and Alcohol reports duplicate information found in the Cost of Goods Sold Report, we have removed them. If they were part of a report template, for example your End of Day template, you will want to add the Cost of Goods Sold Report in substitution.

Chapter 4. Server Color Selection Screen Now Scales

TouchBistro lets you assign a color code to a staff member. This helps identify on the floor plan which tables are owned by different servers.

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The Assign Color screen will now scale to 60% of the iPad’s horizontal width. Previously this dialog box was a fixed width regardless of iPad screen size or orientation.

The change will be most noticeable if your iPad is in landscape mode (see the example image above) or you are using a larger iPad like the iPad Pro.

Chapter 5. The Takeout/Delivery Tab is Now Delivery/Takeout.

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We’ve renamed the Takeout / Delivery tab to Delivery / Takeout. The name change now reflects the order of the Delivery and Takeout options after you tap the Add + icon.

Chapter 6. “Done/Save” is Now “Done”

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A few screens prompted you to close and save the changes with a Done/Save option. These screens were: the Staff screen, the Staff Type screen, and the Change Register Buttons screen. The Done/Save option has been replaced with Done.

Chapter 7. Creating a New Restaurant from a Template

If you ever have to create a new restaurant (for example, you’re setting up a new location), the Set up new restaurant option provides a way to set up a new restaurant based on some predefined templates.

You can use the new Create New Restaurant option to access these templates. You will need either a new unlinked license (one that is not expired) or your existing TouchBistro license that has been unlinked from your previous restaurant by support.

Note: Do not try to delete your existing restaurant in an attempt to import or use templates. You will lose all of your data. These templates are only intended for use by venue owners seeking to create a new venue.

Chapter 8. Kiosk Update Available

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An update to Kiosk is also now available in the app store. The update adds several improvements.

Section 1. Faster Kiosk Restart

If you restart Kiosk, Kiosk will no longer redownload your menu and all the images or re-setup your printers and payment devices. However, if you’ve made any changes to your Menu settings (for example you’ve added an item or changed a price), Kiosk will automatically force a re-download of your menu.

Section 2. Lightning Printers

Kiosk now supports the Star TSP143IIIU USB/lightning cable printer for printing receipts. You can plug the TSP143IIIU directly into your Kiosk iPad (one per iPad) instead of having to wire a TSP100/TSP650II Ethernet printer back to your router or switch.

Chapter 9. Cayan Is Now TSYS

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Cayan has merged with the TSYS payment provider. We’ve changed the Payment Gateway screen to reflect the name change (TSYS). There is no change in functionality or set up requirements.

Chapter 10. Cloud Portal

We’ve made the following changes to the Cloud Portal since the release of TouchBistro 8.4:

Section 1. Drill Down Report

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We’ve added a bill start option to the Drilldown Report. You can show Net Sales or Quantities ordered based on either the time the bill was started or the time the bill was closed.

Section 2. Cloud Reporting Supports the £ Sign

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If your iPad’s Region is set to the UK, Cloud Reporting will now use the ¬£ instead of the $ sign. If you are not seeing the ¬£ sign do the following:

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1.   Tap your iPad’s Settings icon. Tap General | Language & Region | Region. Ensure your region is set to United Kingdom. If not, set your iPad to United Kingdom.

2.   Force quit TouchBistro, reload TouchBistro, and clock in.

3.   Log out of your cloud portal and then log back in. You might have to force the browser to do a hard reload (sometimes done using Shift + Ctrl + R).

If you are still not seeing the ¬£ sign, your browser’s language/region may not be properly set. See this guide for additional troubleshooting steps.