What’s New in TouchBistro 9.2.6?
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. Staff List
Managers can view and manage staff using the Staff List option under Options.
In 9.2.6, we’ve made a few design changes to this screen. There are three minor functional change to streamline this screen’s functionality:
1. We’ve removed the ability to view archived staff members. Archived staff members can be viewed/managed from the Admin’s List of Staff screen.
2. We’ve removed the Admin account’s appearance on this list. If the admin wishes to change his/her passcode, access the Admin account on the Admin’s List of Staff screen.
3. Clocked-in staff members are grouped at the top. You no longer have to filter on clocked-in staff members.
Chapter 2. Setting Default Tax for a Menu Category
If you set a new tax for a menu category, the Include Tax screen will now be “inline” and no longer pop up a selection screen. Tap < Back to return to the menu category.
Chapter 3. New Alert Ping for Online Ordering
We’ve made the alert ping for incoming coming order louder and more distinctive.