What’s New in TouchBistro 7.2
Table Of Contents
Chapter 3. Setting Up Pay In/Payouts
Section 1. Create Pay In/Payout Reasons
Section 2. Enabling Pay In/Payout Rights for Staff Types
Section 3. Enable Pay In/Payout button for the Register
Chapter 5. Payout/Pay in Reporting
Better Apple Design Integration
Chapter 1. Highlights
In TouchBistro 7.2 we’ve changed some of the navigation design and colors to align with Apple’s guidelines as well as accessibility guidelines.
You can now issue and report on payouts and pay ins. You can associate your products with barcodes and ring in purchases using your iPad’s rear-facing camera.
PayPal user in the USA can now use PayPal’s EMV card reader.
Consult these release notes for full details on these changes along with other significant improvements added in version 7.2.
Chapter 2. Payouts/Pay Ins
TouchBistro now allows you to set up and track cash drawer payouts (cash coming out of the cash drawer to pay for items related to your business) as well as pay ins (cash coming into your cash drawer for a reason other than a sale).
Chapter 3. Setting Up Pay In/Payouts
Section 1. Create Pay In/Payout Reasons
Under Admin | Admin Settings | Menu we’ve added a Payout Reasons option that allows you to enter payout/pay in reasons for reporting purposes.
Tap the Add + icon to add a reason. You can add both pay in and payout reasons.
For example, you might add a payout reason like “Pinball machine refund” or “Vendor payment”. A pay in reason might be something like “Float addition”. Tap Save when done entering the reason.
Section 2. Enabling Pay In/Payout Rights for Staff Types
After you’ve created your payout reasons, you should set which staff type has the ability to issue payouts and pay ins.
Tap Admin | Admin Settings | Staff | Staff Types. Select a staff type like Manager or Bartender.
At the bottom of the screen you will find a new section to manage pay in/payout rights.
Enable Can Perform Pay Ins and Can Perform Payouts. If enabled, you can limit the maximum amount the staff type is allowed to payout or accept as a pay in. For example, you might set a bartender staff type to $75 and a manager staff type to $200.
Note: the Admin may do an unlimited pay in/payout amount.
Section 3. Enable Pay In/Payout button for the Register
Tap Admin | Admin Settings | Advanced. Scroll to the bottom and tap Change Register Buttons.
Tap one of the quick pay buttons you may not use like Smart 3. Tap Pay In/Out. Tap Done/Save.
Chapter 4. Using Payouts
The Pay In/Out button is available only on the cash register. It’s not available when you’re on a table or any kind of order screen (delivery/takeout/bar tab).
Tap Pay In/Out.
Enter the amount to be paid out or paid in. Tap Reason to select a pre-configured reason. Add a comment if the payout or pay in needs to be supported with additional details.
After you complete these details, pay Payout if this is a payout or Pay In if this is a pay in.
Select a receipt option. TouchBistro will generate a special receipt for the payout/pay in requiring server and vendor signatures.
If your cash drawer is connected to your receipt printer, TouchBistro will “kick” open the drawer to facilitate the payout or pay in.
Chapter 5. Payout/Pay in Reporting
Under Admin | Reports | Accounting, we’ve added a Payouts Report to track money going in and out when the Payouts/Pay in function is used.
If you have multiple cash registers (for example one at the counter and one at the bar), the report will indicate which cash register the money was paid out of or in to.
Barcode Scanning
You can now associate your menu items with barcodes and scan them using the iPad rear facing camera when you’re in cash register mode.
Chapter 6. Entering Barcodes
Access menu items you want to associate with bar codes (Admin | Admin Settings | Menu | Menu Items).
Tap Scan Barcode Code.
Using the iPad’s rear-facing camera, line up the barcode in the guides. If the barcode is not immediately recognized, pull the iPad back and then slowly bring the camera forward towards the barcode (“zooming in”) until the barcode is recognized.
When recognized, TouchBistro reads the barcode’s UPC number and completes the UPC field in TouchBistro.
If you need to delete the barcode, simply tap on the UPC field and backspace over the UPC number to delete it. You can then rescan the item.
Chapter 7. Using Barcodes
Barcodes scanning is only available from the POS cash register.
Tap the Barcode icon.
Use the guides to line up the barcode.
The menu item will automatically be entered into the order section. Tap the Barcode icon to return to the normal menu view.
Better Apple Design Integration
You will find a number of screens have a new look. This is to better integrate with Apple design standards. It also helps present staff who are accustomed to navigating iPad and iPhone screens with a more familiar interface.
Chapter 8. Dark Mode
If the new navigation color scheme does not provide enough contrast for an employee, you can access the employee’s staff page (Admin | Admin Settings | Staff | Staff) and enable the new Dark Mode option.
PayPal EMV (USA)
TouchBistro now supports PayPal USA’s EMV card reader.
About Option Moved
The About option indicates the TouchBistro version number (e.g., 7.2) as well as a list of version by version feature enhancements. In previous versions it was located on the bottom right of the screen. It has now been moved under the Admin drop-down menu.
Mexico Electronic Invoice Integration
TouchBistro Pro (multi iPad) now supports Mexico’s electronic invoice reporting requirement.
If you are a pro user, enable it under Admin | Admin Settings | Integrations.
When enabled, TouchBistro will print a compliant invoice code at the bottom of each receipt.
After enabling it, access your cloud reporting site (cloud.touchbistro.com). Open your Settings page and enable the Factura Electronica – Jaque option.
Jaque is an approved third-party service that will re-transmit your invoice data to the Mexican tax authority.
Reports on the Pro Server
We’ve removed the reporting options from the Pro Server. Reports are available from your iPad (Admin | Reports) and the Cloud site.