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What’s New in TouchBistro 7.4.3



Moneris users with the older V2 version of the iPP320 need to upgrade their hardware to the V11 version. See the first section below for steps.

TouchBistro 7.4.3 has made some improvements to how TouchBistro handles courses and submitting orders to the kitchen by course. As well, the coursing screen now displays the ticket’s target printer. This can help with troubleshooting.

The ReUp loyalty integration is now available for use it the UK and Latin America. TouchBistro supports Colombia’s bill numbering requirements.

Consult these release notes for full details on these changes along with other significant improvements.

Chapter 1. Moneris (Canada): Required Update for Users of the iPP320 V2 Payment Terminal

After March 1, 2018, Moneris will no longer support the older iPP320 V2 Payment Terminal model. Moneris is continuing to support the newer V11 model. If you acquired an iPP320 terminal since the fall of 2017, it is likely you have the V11 model. To determine which model you are using, power cycle your iPP320. To do this press down the yellow Correction key and while holding down the Correction key, press the Punctuation key. Hold down both together. The iPP320 will reboot.

When you see the Version Information screen, note the numbers after the U-. If you see U-02, you are using the older V2 and you must update to the V11 model.

Section 1. If You Have V2

To update email [email protected] or call TouchBistro at 1-888-342-0131. Select option 8. TouchBistro will request a new terminal on your behalf. Call TouchBistro for a new terminal installation. You will need to supply TouchBistro with the following information in your email or during the phone call:

Business name (as registered with Moneris)
Contact name
Phone number
ID (Terminal ID), MID (Merchant ID), or ECR
Total number of IPP320 Terminals
Are you using integrated gift cards (e-Select Plus)?

Chapter 2. Changes to Coursing

Section 1. TouchBistro Now Supports Up to 12 Courses

The Menu Category Course setting has been increased to 12 courses.

If you are using the Coursing option to send kitchen tickets, you can swipe left on a course line to see additional courses.

Section 2. Coursing Icon Moved

The Coursing icon on the Order screen is now separated from the Send All icon by the Action icon. This helps prevent a server from accidently tapping the Send All icon.

Section 3. Target Ticket Printer Displayed on Coursing Screen

When you send tickets to the kitchen, the Coursing screen will now display which printer the ticket was sent to. This can be useful for diagnosing issues with ticket printing if you have multiple printers set up. As well it helps new staff more quickly learn where kitchen tickets are going.

In the pictured example, we can see Appetizers and Mains go to the Kitchen printer but Desserts (e.g., Apple Crumble) get sent to a printer called Dessert Station.

Chapter 3. ReUp

Section 1. Loyalty Now Available in the UK and Latin America

ReUp was introduced in version 7.4 for US/Canada. It is now available in the UK and Latin America. ReUp is a loyalty system you brand for your venue. Customers can be given QR-Code based loyalty cards or download and use an iOS/Android app. Customers can use the loyalty card and/or the app to pay for purchases, check in, and collect points. Customers can then redeem points for discounted food/beverage items.

To facilitate registering non-North American phone numbers, TouchBistro now has a Country Code field. This will default to the country code suggested by the iPad’s Region setting. For example, if you have the iPad set for the UK, TouchBistro will suggest 44 as the country code. You cannot tap and override this field.

If you want to change your country code, you need to change your iPad’s Region (Settings | General | Language & Region).

After a customer has registered an account (either for a loyalty card or the app), they can use the original activation URL as a portal. The portal has different levels of customer functionality depending on which package you’ve subscribed to: Loyalty, Loyalty Plus, or Loyalty Premium.

If the customer has lost their portal link, you can resend it to loyalty card holders by scanning their card, tapping Account Options, and then tapping the new Send Loyalty Portal Link.

If you tap this, TouchBistro will send the link to their email (if they registered via email) or their cell phone (if they registered with a phone number).

Chapter 4. Colombia DIAN Electronic Invoicing

TouchBistro now supports Colombia’s requirements that receipt bill numbers are generated based on a specific range. To set this up, ensure your iPad’s regional settings are set for Colombia.

If set for Colombia, you will see the new Edit Bill Range option at the bottom of the Bill & Chit screen. Tap it.

Tap the Add + icon at the top right.

Complete the Prefix and bill range numbers supplied by DIAN. Tap Save.

When you generate a bill, the DIAN-compliant bill number and range details will be printed below the venue address.