Menu Reports
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1. Menu Analysis
The Menu Analysis report helps you gauge a menu item’s performance relative to other menu items in its Menu Category and Sales Category. You can use this report easily compare menu item preference/popularity by Menu Category and Sales Category.
At the top, a bar chart gives you a visual representation of Menu Category gross sales over the selected reporting range.
The report can be sorted by:
Sales Category
Your configured sales categories. By default, you will have food and alcohol categories but you might have set up additional categories like “Merchandise” or “Game Rentals”.
Menu Category
Your configured menu categories (“Mains”, “Appetizers”, etc.)
Menu Item
Name of the menu item.
Quantity Sold
The number of the menu items sold. This does not include voided items.
% of Menu Category (by Qty Sold)
The number of a particular menu item sold in the Menu Category expressed as a percentage of all items sold in the Menu Category. (For example, if you sold 10 menu items in a Mains category and 5 of those were steaks, the Steak menu item would be 50%.)
% of Sales Category (by Qty Sold)
The number of a particular menu item sold in the Sale Category expressed as a percentage of all items sold in the Sales Category. (For example, if you sold 100 menu items in an Alcohol category and ten of those were Bloody Mary cocktails, the Blood Mary menu item would be 10%.)
Gross Sales
The before taxes sales total for each menu item. Totals do not include tax and gratuity. If the item was discounted, Gross Sales represents the pre-discount amount paid. The total also does not represent voids.
% of Menu Category (by Gross Sales)
The gross sales of a particular menu item sold in the Menu Category expressed as a percentage of gross sales for the Menu Category. (For example, if you sold $1000 worth of menu items in a Mains category and $500 of gross sales were from steaks, the Steak menu item would be 50%.)
% of Sales Category (by Gross Sales)
The sales of a particular menu item sold in the Sales Category expressed as a percentage of gross sales for the Sales Category. (For example, if you sold $1000 worth of menu items in an Alcohol category and $500 of gross sales were from Bloody Mary cocktails, the Bloody Mary menu item would be 50%.)
Chapter 2. Modifier Preference by Menu Item
The Modifier Preference by Menu Item report shows you modifiers (either text or menu item modifiers) used by menu item. It can help you determine modifiers that are rarely used. This can help with things like inventory decisions.
If a custom modifier was entered, it will be reported here as well.
The Modifier Preference by Menu Item table can be sorted by:
The name of the text or menu item modifier.
Modifier Type
Indicates whether it’s a text or menu item modifier.
Parent Menu Item
The menu item the modifier was selected for.
Quantity Sold
The number of times this modifier was selected when the menu item was ordered.
% of Parent Menu Item
The percentage of this modifier was selected when the menu item was ordered, compared to all other modifiers ordered for the time range. For example, a salad item has 10 dressing options. If only one dressing (French) is ordered for the time range, French will be reported here as 100%. Options not ordered will not appear in this table as 0%.
Chapter 3. Text Modifier Report
The Text Modifier report shows you the performance of your text modifiers for the selected reporting range. If a custom modifier was entered, it will be reported here as well. You can see popular, recurring custom modifiers at a glance. You can add these as text modifiers to help speed ordering. As well, you can quickly spot unusual custom modifiers that may indicate server issues (lack of training or maybe fraud).
The report can be sorted by:
The name of the text modifier.
Quantity Sold
The number of times the text modifier was used for the selected reporting range.
Gross Sales
If the text modifier has an upcharge, the before taxes sales total for each text modifier. Totals do not include tax and gratuity. If the item was discounted, Gross Sales represents the pre-discount amount paid for the text modifier. The total also does not represent voids.